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​Action Plan

Downtown Revitalization

The ADDA conducted a "Think Big" Downtown Revitalization survey.  The results of the survey and the ADDA Action Plan are highlighted below. All of this input has been integrated into the Ashtabula Downtown Master Plan.

ADDA Action Plan


The ADDA paid close attention to the results of the community survey in 2013 when developing its Action Plan.


The top three priorities will be:

   -the appearance/beautification of Main Ave., 

   -business recruitment and retention, and





*The ADDA will develop both short-term and long-term objectives for improving the appearance of Main Ave. Short-term objectives will involve clean-up, filling vacant windows, and things that can be done relatively inexpensively and quickly.


*The long-term objective is to work with a professional streetscape design firm to develop a streetscape plan for Downtown Ashtabula.


Business Retention & Recruitment


*The ADDA will work more closely with merchants to gather their ideas on business retention.


*The ADDA will explore the feasibility of a business incubator program.


*We will also complete a list of all property owners and available properties in the downtown area.




*The ADDA is currently conducting a survey of merchants regarding safety and security in the downtown area.


*It is becoming increasingly apparent that improved street lighting contributes to safety. We will continue to investigate options for better lighting.


Other Possible Initiatives


*Shea’s Theater restoration.

*Historic Preservation.


Both of these items ranked highly on the community survey and will be pursued if feasible and if there are sufficient resources.



Welcome to Downtown Ashtabula... 

Meet Me On Main!

c 2015-2024 Ashtabula Downtown Development Association. 


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